Be Aware of Your Surroundings
The holidays provide plenty of opportunities for “indulging” in guilty pleasures. Christmas parties often have plenty of food and alcohol, which means plenty of opportunities for bingeing. If you know you struggle with overeating or drinking too much, you will want to have a plan for how you will stay on track to recovery in these situations. Identify your triggers and try to surround yourself with positive, supportive people who will help you avoid tempting situations and will help you stick to your plan.
Attend addiction meetings regularly. Part of what makes addiction so powerful is the feeling of isolation. Knowing that you are not alone in your struggles can help you on your road to recovery. Keep your sponsor on speed dial, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you are struggling.
Avoid High-Stress Situations
High-stress situations are often triggers for those who struggle with addiction. Common holiday stressors can include financial troubles and family issues. While both of these can seem impossible to overcome, know that you are not alone. Whether it means finding a financial counselor or temporarily removing yourself from toxic or stressful relationships, it is essential for you to do whatever is necessary for you to be successful in your recovery.
Here at the office of Dr. Jamila Battle, we specialize in helping our patients overcome their circumstances when it comes to addiction. We can help you establish a plan for recovery, as well as provide advice on how to manage your lifestyle stressors and triggers. Regardless of what may be keeping you down this season, we want to help you live a more freeing, full life. Don’t let stressors steal your joy this holiday season. Contact us to schedule a consultation and take a step toward a better life today!
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