Ask the Doctor
1. How many hours of sleep should I get?
2. I hear there are stages of sleep. What are they?
3. Why do I feel sleepy after lunch?
4. What can happen if I don’t sleep enough?
5.How can I improve my sleep habits?
6. How can I create the perfect sleep environment?
7. What is the role of light and sleep?
8. What should I minimize or avoid for good sleep?
9. Are there foods or supplements that promote good sleep?
11. Trauma and Abuse
Abuse and Trauma
1. What is the difference between trauma and abuse?
2. What makes someone abuse another?
3. What are the types of abuse? What is Gaslighting?
4. What are the effects of abuse?
5. How does a history of childhood abuse affect me now?
6. How can I avoid domestic violence?
7. How do I get help or put a stop to the abuse?
8. Why do I keep going back to my abuser or want to go back to my abuser?
9. How can I overcome the effects of abuse and begin to heal?
10. Is there a connection between abuse and drugs or alcohol?
11. What are the signs of abuse in children?
12. How can caregivers, teachers and school counselors get a child to open up if they suspect abuse?
13. How does childhood abuse unchecked impact the child as he/she grows into adolescence and beyond?